Okay, so I have a confession. A lot of times I post things that I've done that have turned out well. And most of the time, the result is pure luck. Other times, things turn out a little....unexpected.
You see, I set out to make "Rainbow Cupcakes" for Alex's class St. Patrick's Day party on Thursday. I've read about this rainbow cupcake phenomenon on several other blogs and was assured it was pretty straightforward and simple. Here's what happened:
I grabbed my supplies from Target: White Cake mix and some gel food coloring |
Divided the batter up into 6 bowls (about 2/3 cup did it for me) |
Added food coloring to each bowl. Some sites tell you exactly how much to put. I just eyeballed it. |
Then you start layering the colors, one on top of another. A word of advice, start with purple/blue on the bottom and red on top. It just looks more appetizing. Maybe because blue food is unnatural (although trust me, there is NOTHING natural about these babies.) |
Here's how they turned out. Pretty funky! |
Added some "cloud" icing to complete my rainbow. At this point, I was still under the delusion that when I chopped this in two it would have beautiful neat orderly rainbow stripes. |
Holy cow, these things look like radioactive TIE DYE!!! Where is my nice neat orderly rainbow??? After a while I stopped caring about the rainbow because hey, these are pretty cool too. |
My taste tester approves.
Happy Saint Patrick's Day Y'all! |
I think they are AWESOME! If the kids are stoked and the adults are alarmed, you've done your job.